What is the Peace-Industrial Complex? Idriss Aberkane – WikiStage ESCP Europe
Nowadays, and for at least 5,000 years, war is the biggest parasite for humanity, and infects us. Is there really a cure against this destruction of humanity? That is what Idriss Aberkane wants to show us. ///
Do you think that in times of conflict humans use the war or end up as marionettes of it? On the other hand, have you ever heard about concepts such as weapons of mass construction? As a pandane to the war industrial complex, a new type of concept emerged – the peace industrial complex. Idriss Aberkane gives us a very interesting account of war, peace and humans’ place in it.///
“There is another such parasite that I want to tell you about today, which is much more deadly, much more lethal. It has been infecting humanity for at least 5,000 years, and just like this parasite, it takes no side, infects winners and losers alike. Always wins. This parasite is war.”
“War hijacks the best minds and the best resources.”
“We need the moral equivalent of war, and the moral equivalent of war is gonna be uniting our efforts to build and not destroy.”
“Is humanity using war, or is war using us?”