An Algorithm for Linearizing the Collatz Convergence
Alexander Rahn 1 , Eldar Sultanow 2,3 , Max Henkel 4 , Sourangshu Ghosh 5 and Idriss J. Aberkane 6,* Article published in MDPI journal
Alexander Rahn 1 , Eldar Sultanow 2,3 , Max Henkel 4 , Sourangshu Ghosh 5 and Idriss J. Aberkane 6,* Article published in MDPI journal
Idriss J. Aberkane ∗ August 15, 2017 Abstract We investigate recurrent behaviors of the 1 (3x + 1) action (« Syr ») over the binary tree. The
Idriss Aberkane Botcrafting and Botbreeding : A Simplified Economics of Evolutionary Algorithms Abstract : Let us consider the industrial and economic impact of genetic programming and its generic
This fourth issue of the Cahiers de la Chaire Immobilier et Développement Durable offers an overview of the regional and real estate impacts of the
NNT : 2016SACLX005 Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université Paris-Saclay PRÉPARÉE À L’ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE ÉCOLE DOCTORALE N°578 Sciences de l’homme et de la
19 janvier 2016 Résumé : Supposons que tout média soit l’externalisation d’une fonction mentale ; l’écriture, alors, externalise la mémoire de travail. Pour Dehaene et d’autres l’écriture
Geopolitics is the interaction between power and land. Noopolitics is the interaction between power and knowledge. This interaction is both reflexive and disruptive. It implies
BY KATE FERREIRA, OCTOBRE 28 2015 IMAGINE an economy with no waste and no unemployment, a market in which the supply meets every demand, and
Arquilla and Ronfeldt (1999) developed the term Noopolitik as a political strategy focusing on the use, and denial thereof, of information. The term, reminiscent to
Imagine an economy whose main resource is infinite. Imagine an economy endowed with an intrinsic form of justice, an economy that facilitates and rewards sharing,
Ph.D. Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy Director : Prof Mahmoud M MUSA Jury : Prof Fouad NOHRA Prof Michael STRAUSS Prof Paul BOURGINE
This content was written by a student and assessed as part of a university degree. E-IR publishes student essays & dissertations to allow our readers
This content was written by a student and assessed as part of a university degree. E-IR publishes student essays & dissertations to allow our readers
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